<aside> 👉 You can download the latest Idoru P-1 firmware here: https://idoru.live/downloads


Firmware updates will be shared on the Idoru website. To install a new firmware update on your pedal, follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest firmware update from https://idoru.live/downloads . There is no need to unzip the .bin file.
  2. Make sure there is at least one setlist and song on the card.
  3. Create a folder on the root of the SD card called 'update', if there is not already one there.
  4. Put the downloaded .bin firmware file in the folder called ‘update’ on the SD card. Make sure there are no other files in the update folder.
  5. With the pedal turned off, put the SD card in the pedal.
  6. Hold the Play footswitch down and connect the power to turn the pedal on. Keep holding the footswitch down.
  7. Pedal should display a firmware updated message after a couple of seconds, you can then release the footswitch.
  8. Restart the pedal by unplugging and then replugging power.
  9. You are good to go!

User guide contents:

What is the Idoru P-1?

Safety instructions

Introduction to the Idoru P-1

Overview - ports and interface

Connecting the P-1 at Venues

Quick Start Guide

1. Set up your songs in the software

2. Connect your P-1 to the sound system

3. Play your songs!

Controls and connections

Transport controls

Select next song

Select previous song

Play song

Pause / Unpause song

Scrub forwards

Scrub backwards

Stop song

Select next song

Select previous song

Switch to new song

Control system

Menus and settings

Navigating the menus

Edit song

Level adjust

At end

Cueing the next loop


Browse setlists


Screen contrast

Screen brightness

Metronome flash

Midi thru

Midi Clock

Control system

Routing and mixing

Routing and mixing

The set mixer

Output submixes

Stereo linking outputs

Sound sources and connections

Opening and closing the mixer

Selecting a mixer

Changing a fader value

Muting and stereo linking



MIDI exported from Ableton Live


MIDI Clock

Controlling the P-1 via MIDI

Devices to control the Idoru P-1 via MIDI

MIDI only songs

Updating the firmware

How to update the firmware

SD cards

Technical specifications

Technical specifications



Idoru P-1 Software

Intro to the Idoru P-1 software

What is a song?

What is a setlist?

What is a session?

The Setlist View

Create a setlist

Delete a setlist

Duplicate a setlist

Rename a setlist

Create a song

Delete a song

Duplicate a song

Rename a song

Edit a song

Move a song

Send session to P-1

Import a session from your P-1



Save as


The Song Edit View

P-1 song and setlist file syntax